Liam Jacob Bayloh is the Headmaster of Esthar Garden, a major protagonist in the Clouded Horizons series.
Liam Jacob Bayloh The Faceless Champion
 Liam in civilian clothing.
Character Profile
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Vayash Moru
Angel Main Theme (The Sanctuary Extended Remix)
Darling Violetta
Garden Profile
Garden Attended:
Esthar Garden
SeeD ID Number:
Highest Rank:
Headmaster Command Division
Merit Awards:
Induction into SeeD (Balamb) Received Garden Instructor License (Balamb) Promotion to Ensign (Combat - Trabia) Promotion to Lieutenant (Combat - Trabia) Promotion to Captain (Combat - Trabia) Promotion to Major (Combat - Trabia) Promotion to Colonel (Combat - Trabia) Promotion to Headmaster (Esthar Garden)
Planeswalker Information
Championed By:
Year Endorsed:
Additional Information
Birth Realm:
Eighth Realm
Personnel Information
- "Take credit for everything you do, whether it's good or bad. It might be bad business sense, as I'm sure your father will tell you. Never ever let yourself stop caring about taking that credit. I won't tell you what it's like to wake up one morning and realize that you've done the worst to people, and the only difference between when you did it and now is that you care. "
- ―Liam discussing the Scourge with Katanas DeValle
In a world of darkness and light, things in the light are often oblivious to the other side; the darkness which follows the light's every move. So, it is a shock that a being can exist that is both light and dark; a vampire, trying to atone for the sins of his past.
Liam’s past is that of the Scourge of Dollet Angelus. History records him as being Dollet’s reaper; a beast which wrought the death toll that brought hundreds to their grave. His infamy was worldwide until the day when his name reached the doorstep of the Estharian Grand Council, which immediately set in motion to stop his actions which were bringing Dollet to its knees. And within days, his punishment was complete. He never saw the faces of the people who cursed him with a soul that fateful day.
He escaped that day, and didn’t return to Dollet for years to come, choosing to live out his days in Centra. He spent day in and day out repenting for the sins of the Scourge, and was approached ten years after the cursing of his soul by a young man who identified himself as Will. He offered a chance to work for a deity, one who was interested in his well being. Will mentioned to him that this deity was highly impressed at the steps he was willing to undertake to atone for the sins of his past. After a short meeting with Freya, Odin, and Xeios, the latter two being impressed with the sincerity that the vampire was answering each of the Creator’s questions.
With her two advisers' (unnecessary) blessing, Liam was given the title of Planeswalker of the 19th order. And thusly began the beginning of his journey.
Following directives given to him by the deity, and going by the directives that he himself felt he had to follow, he became a champion of the Ethereal Plane; a warrior truly blessed and trusted by the creator. With this came benefits bestowed upon him in the years following. The largest benefit came only a year after his induction into the 19th order when she bestowed upon him the ability to walk in the light. For the first time since his Siring fifty-one years previous, he was able to watch the sunrise and walk amongst humans. Along with this ability, he was also given the ability to handle holy items which would help him years later. For the first time, he truly felt as if he wasn’t the cursed vampire, but the Vayash Moru that his “race” was titled. It was during this time that he was first given the nickname "Angel" by an unnamed Ethereal being, as he seemed to be ready to assist in any matter that he could, both Ethereal and not.
Things continued along this path for many years after, Liam continuing to gain favor with Freya and respect in the Ethereal Plane… but with that respect came a price; one he wasn’t aware of, nor was he prepared for.
A Pillar of Reality was jealous of his position and reputation, and was aware of where he resided in the Mortal Plane. A clandestine meeting with a certain general of the Centran forces brought about a plan to assist both of them. While the General’s plans for Centra would be carried out by his forces, a certain scourge from the past would assist in bringing him the popularity he would require to assume leadership of Centra.
Fifty-three years after the Estharian Council’s curse took hold, during the coup d'état that would result in the Lunar Cry destroying the Centran culture, the Scourge of Dollet reappeared; a hex on his soul preventing it from stopping his most base instincts to kill and feed.
Hours before the catastrophe that would ruin Centra forever took place however, Will once again appeared. This time, his purpose was simple; to reverse the hex that his sister had placed on Liam. He was successful, and Liam only requested one thing of the Erudite which was the removal of his memory from that time. Will complied, and Liam moved on with his life, continuing to follow the directives of the Creator.
The years passed once again without any incidents, until such a point when Liam took an investigation on regarding a weapons manufacturing company in the nation of Galbadia. Certain practices and a possible trade agreement with a new company in Esthar caused him to turn an eye of suspicion upon Videlic Arms and Vector Industries. While he could find no fault in Vector Industries beyond the mysterious identity of the proprietor, Videlic’s leadership seemed to be committing acts that were dangerous not only to the company’s image (which Liam wasn’t interested in), but the Galbadian nation itself. He confirmed what evidence he found, and made the hardest decision he’d made in some time.
He confronted President U’Dashika, as well as his son regarding evidence that he’d discovered that linked them to supplying weapons that were used in crimes in countries around the world. Neither could deny it, but instead tried to quash him into silence; first by bribes, then by trying to kill him. As a result, he was forced to kill both, when it became apparent that his life would be at stake, and that they would not stop their actions. At the time, he was unaware that he had left the heir to the company, Takomashi alive, which he didn’t learn for quite some time.
A few years passed, and he got word during his travels of an organization recently founded which was looking to hire a few extra hands to work on getting things off the ground. While they were looking for significantly younger people, Liam took a gamble and explained everything about himself, including his nature as a Vayash Moru, and a Planeswalker to Cid Kramer who was in charge of the organization. With a few agreements in place, Cid agreed to allow Liam to join as a full member of SeeD after a demonstration of his combat abilities.
At first, he did a great deal of instructing, however, it was later realized that his style and that of the rest of the teaching staff differed greatly. By his own choice, he stepped down from instructing, choosing to be a field officer. He continued that throughout the Sorceress Conflict, until he transferred from Balamb Garden to Trabia Garden under direct and highly influenced request by Headmaster DeValle. He was an instructor of the combat division for a short time until another was hired to work in his stead. He returned to field work at that point, still continuing the balance his SeeD duties as well as his duties to the Plane.
During the first two months, he grew closer to people that worked there, including the Garden Commander, Katanas DeValle, and knew that the boy considered him a mentor, as well as a friend. He kept an eye on Katanas’ studies, as he had realized quite early that he, his youngest brother, and his father were all Planeswalkers.
Liam continued on this path until March of 2152, where at the behest of Freya, he went to the Tenth Realm’s Spira to meet and test the abilities of a potential Planeswalker...
Angel, despite (and perhaps because) of the burden of his past, is easy-going; a master conversationalist. He makes and keeps friends easily and because of that, he has resources all across the Mortal Plane. Beyond that, he is protective of his wife, Yuna Kaname, those he considers friends second, those who serve under him in Garden third.
Angel is associated with the Eighth and Tenth Realms of the Clouded Horizons series. He has appeared in the following stories:
Combat Information
- "Make no mistake. You won’t get through me, nor will you kill me. "
- ―Liam Bayloh during battle
Angel is a focused fighter, knowing his abilities and knowing how to press others to their limits. Primarily a melee fighter, he uses his pulse rifles, his blade Atma, as well as his Diviner, Peacemaker in equal amounts. This allows him a truly unpredictable way of fighting.
- Master Swordsmanship Specialist: As a Guardian with over two hundred years of blade experience, Angel specializes with larger swords. However, he isn't afraid, nor is he unskilled with smaller blades.
- Skilled Rifle Specialist: Honing his aim, Angel has become an expert with rifles, skilled in melee range especially. He has increased his skill especially over the last ten years, allowing him to use two rifles easily in battle.
- Exceptional Strength: Because of his status as a Vayash Moru, Angel has incredible strength; much more than any mortal man. He uses this strength in addition to his techniques allowing for a unique style of fighting.
- Exceptional Agility: While not as fast as some, his agility allows him incredible movement in battle.
- Great Spiritual Energy: Angel has a formidable amount of spiritual power, enough to remain in battle for great lengths of time. He is not against using bursts of reiatsu to attract an enemy to him and has been seen doing so on a few separate occasions.
- Skilled Magic User: While not relying heavily on it, Angel is a versed mage, allowing him to use spells in difficult situations.
Combat Attributes
- Vayash Moru (200)
- Guardian (65)
- Secondary Classes
- Paladin (100), Soul Linker (100), Warrior (50), Red Mage (50), Gunner (43), Marksman (50)
- White Mage (50), Monk (50), Thief (50)
Elemental Preferences
Character Attributes
Elemental Affinities
Status Effect Resistances
- Implement Proficiency: Light Blade - Allows a Light Blade weapon to be used as an Implement.
- Implement Expertise: Light Blade - Light Blade Implements now increase Mana by 15% and Mana regen by 2 pips.
- Proficiency: Double Sword - Gain proficiency with the Double Sword.
- Specialization: Double Sword - Increases Physical Damage by 10% and decreases Delay by 5% while wielding a Double Sword.
- Mastery: Double Sword - Increases Physical Damage by 15%, Critical Hit chance by 7%, and Parry chance by 5% while wielding a Double Sword.
- Proficiency: Rifle - Gain proficiency with the Rifle.
- Specialization: Rifle - Increases Physical Damage by 10% and decreases Delay by 5% while wielding a Rifle.
- Proficiency: Kukri - Gain proficiency with the Kukri.
- Proficiency: Kunai - Gain proficiency with the Kunai.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Divine Aid - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell that restores Stamina, it also restores +2% Mana.
- Turn Undead - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell against an Undead target, treat the target's Holy Affinity as though it were 50% lower.
- Divine Sanction - After making a Holy-elemental attack against one target, the next time that target makes an attack, it takes 1.35x Holy Damage if an ally was the only target of that attack.
- Lightning+ - Increases Lightning Affinity by 10%.
- Thunderclap - Whenever dealing Lightning damage to two or more targets with an Ability that doesn't inflict Stun status, it also inflicts Stun status.
- Resounding Bolt - Whenever dealing Lightning damage with an Ability that only targets one enemy, that Ability deals an additional 0.25x Lightning damage every 3 seconds for 9 seconds.
- Overheat - Whenever dealing Fire damage with a Spell, that Spell deals an additional 0.35x Mana damage.
- Insulation - Whenever dealt Ice damage, treat Ice Affinity as though it were 33% higher when applying that damage.
Racial Traits
Vayash Moru
- Vampiric Bite - Drains 20% maximum Stamina.
- Vampiric Gaze - Inflicts Immobilize and Disable status.
- Unholy Feast - Drains 10% maximum Stamina.
- Porphyric Hemophilia - +20% Stamina, +15% Dark Affinity, +10% Fear (effect) Resistance
- Bloodletter - +10% Stamina restoration from Drain effects.
- Vrykolakas - -10% Holy Affinity, Undead.
- Writ of Corpse - -10 pips Stamina regen when exposed to sunlight.
- Peacemaker
- Type: Double Sword
- Base Damage: 60
- Atma Weapon
- Type: Double Sword
- Base Damage: 50
Ability Information
- Guardian's Ward - Increases Block and Parry Efficiency by 5...50%.
- Stinging Blow - Deals 1.4x physical damage. Chroma: If this attack fails to hit, target's Stamina regen is reduced by 3 pips.
- Shield Blow - Deals 0.8...1.6x physical damage. Increases Threat by 5...33%.
- Shield Bash - Deals 0.6x physical damage. Increases Threat by 10...21%. Chroma: If the user has 75% or higher Threat, inflicts Stun status.
- Overwhelm - Must follow a successful Parry. Deals 1.7x physical damage. Inflicts Cripple status.
- Vexing Blow - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Increases Threat by 3...9%.
- Whirling Retaliation - Must follow a successful Parry. Deals 1.45x physical damage to all enemies.
- Catch a Breath - Restores 10...17% Stamina. Bestows Regen status.
- Guardian's Pledge - Increases Block and Parry Efficiency by 10...21% and Vitality by 5...50%.
- Taunt - Increases Threat by 15...53%.
- Vigilance - Increases Evasion and Accuracy by 5...27%.
- Guardian's Challenge - Increases Threat by 50...80%.
- Thrill of Danger - Chroma: For each enemy, restores 17% Stamina and 6% Mana.
- Warrior's Heart - Increases Maximum Stamina by 50...151%.
- Stamp - Chroma: If any enemy is activating a skill, it is interrupted. Chroma: For each skill interrupted by Stamp, +7 seconds to Stamp's reactivation time.
- Deep Breath - Decreases skill activation and reactivation time by 5...20%.
- Turn the Tables - Deals 1.5x physical damage. Chroma: For each negative status effect on the user, dispels that status and places it on target enemy.
- Guardian's Defense - Increases Block skill by 10…75%.
- Walking Fortress - Whenever physical damage is taken, if that damage is less than 1…7% of the user's maximum Stamina, it is reduced to 0.
- Robust Constitution - Hexes and negative status effects have a 33…66% chance to last half their duration
- Mastery: Shield - Increases Block chance by 0%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 21%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 21%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 10%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 10%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 10%.
- Parry+ - Increases Parry chance by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Cover - Must target an ally. Bestows Cover status.
- Valiant Strike - Chroma: For each enemy, increases Accuracy by 7%.
- Smite - Deals 1.2x Holy Damage. Chroma: For the duration, deals 0.1x Holy damage each second.
- Defender's Zeal - Chroma: Whenever damage is taken, a random ally restores 8% Stamina.
- Armor of Divinity - Increases Physical Defense by 15%. Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Total Defense - Must target allies. Bestows Cover status. Chroma: For each ally granted Cover status, decreases the user's Agility by 10%
- Shield Bash - Deals 1.8x physical damage. Inflicts Stun status.
- Forebearance of Judgement - Decreases Holy Affinity by 33%.
- Divine Sword - Deals 3.0x Holy damage.
- Evangelize - The user becomes an Angel. Abilities gain "Chroma: If this ability hits, deals an additional 0.75x Holy damage and removes an Enchantment." Inflicts Haste Daze status.
- Divine Circle - Increases Holy Affinity by 35%.
- Saint Cross - Deals 1.5x Holy damage.
- Radiant Delirium - Deals 1.8x Holy damage. Inflicts Confuse status.
- Rampart - Bestows Shell and Protect status.
- Divine Retribution - Target is Marked. Chroma: Whenever Marked target takes damage, deals 0.8x Holy damage. Chroma: Whenever Marked target deals damage, deals 1.2x Holy damage.
- Sentinel - Replaces the Defend command, reducing received damage by 0%.
- Aura of Enmity - Whenever dealt physical damage, grants a 10…50% chance to deal 0.75…1.4x Holy damage to the attacker.
- Specialization: Shield - Increases Block chance by 1…15% and reduces received physical damage by 0%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 21%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 21%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 10%.
- Physical Defense+ - Increases Physical Defense by 10%.
- Magic Defense+ - Increases Magic Defense by 10%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
Mystic Link
- Stance of the Charging Boar - Must be Enchanted. Hand-to-Hand attacks gain +15% Physical Defense penetration. Chroma: For each Enchantment, increases Strength by 10%.
- Stance of the Wary Badger - Must be Enchanted. Chroma: For each Enchantment, increases Evasion and Physical Defense by 10%.
- Stance of the Graceful Crane - Must be Enchanted. Chroma: For each Enchantment, increases Agility and Accuracy by 10%.
- Mirage Coat - Increases Parry skill by 50%. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, deals 1.2x Earth damage to all enemies.
- Veil of Thorns - Bestows Ice Spikes status. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, bestows Blaze Spikes status.
- Arcane Fervor - Reduces the Mana cost of Enchantments by 50%.
- Eremite's Zeal - Chroma: For each enemy, restores 9% Mana.
- Heart of Fury - Reduces Delay by 33%. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, deals 1.4x Fire damage to all enemies.
- Faithful Intervention - Chroma: When Stamina drops below 50%, restores 35% Stamina.
- Vow of Silence - Inflicts Silence status. Bestows Spell Immunity status.
- Mystic Sandstorm - Removes all Enchantments. Chroma: For each Enchantment removed, deals 0.35x Earth damage.
- Dust Cloak - Weapon damage becomes Earth elemental. Deals 1.4x Earth damage to all enemies. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, inflicts Blind status upon a random enemy.
- Vital Boon - Increases maximum Stamina by 50%. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, restores 30% Stamina.
- Guiding Hands - Physical attacks become unpreventable.
- Torrential Sandsea - Chroma: Whenever an Enchantment ends, inflicts Blind status upon a random Enemy.
- Heart of Holy Flame - Weapon damage becomes Holy elemental. Deals 1.5x Fire damage to all enemies. Chroma: When this Enchantment ends, inflicts Heat status upon all enemies.
- Mysticism - Whenever an Enchantment ends, restore 1…5% Mana.
- Auramancy - Increases the duration of Enchantments by 0%.
- Flesh and Spirit - Unarmed attacks deal +0.5…0.75x Mana damage.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 10%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 10%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Fire+ - Increases Fire Affinity by 10%.
Art of War
- Provoke - Inflicts Provoke status.
- Rend Power - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Fear status.
- Rend Armor - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Expose status.
- Flametongue - Deals 1.2x Fire damage.
- Ice Brand - Deals 1.2x Ice damage.
- Defender - Increases Physical Defense by 25%. Decreases Melee Damage by 25%.
- Rend Speed - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Cripple status.
- Rend Magic - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Sap status.
- Thunder Blade - Deals 1.2x Lightning damage.
- Liquid Steel - Deals 1.2x Water damage.
- Warcry - Increases Melee Damage by 25%.
- Aggressor - Increases Melee Damage by 25%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Delay Buster - Increases target's weapon delay by 15%.
- Stoneskin - Reduces received Physical Damage by 0%.
- Double Attack - Basic physical attacks have a 5…25% chance to strike twice.
- Proficiency: Heavy Armor - Increases Physical Defense by 0%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 14%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 14%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 14%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 5%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 5%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 5%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 5%.
White Magic
- Divine Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Holy spell.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Banish I - Deals 1.2x Holy damage.
- Protectra - Bestows Protect status.
- Aquaveil - Prevents spells from being interrupted.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Banish II - Deals 1.45x Holy damage.
- Cura - Restores Stamina equal to 1.35x magic damage.
- Shellra - Bestows Shell status.
- Cure III - Restores Stamina equal to 1.7x magic damage.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Curaga - Restores Stamina equal to 1.6x magic damage.
- Arise - Revives with 100% Stamina.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Banish III - Deals 1.7x Holy damage.
- Regenra - Bestows Regen status.
- Holy - Deals 2.0x Holy damage.
- Reraise - Bestows Reraise status.
- Esunaga - Removes all negative status effects.
- Boost - Increases the damage of the next melee attack by 15%.
- Repeating Punch - Strikes 3 times. Each hit deals 0.4x physical damage.
- Far Fist - Deals 1.5x physical damage. Inflicts Curse status.
- Split Punch - Must hit two enemies. Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 1.3x physical damage.
- Counter Attack - Increases Parry Skill by 20%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Withering Strike - Inflicts Confuse and Expose status.
- Lifebane - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Inflicts Doom status.
- Blistering Strike - Deals 1.2x physical damage. Chroma: If a target is under the effects of a Stance, Shout, or Enchantment, instead deals 1.85x physical damage and inflicts Blind, Poison, and Silence status to that target.
- Revive - Revives with 15% Stamina and 5% Mana.
- Flurry of Blows - Strikes 4 times. Each strike deals 0.45x physical damage. Inflicts Slow status.
- Chakra - Removes Poison, Sap, and Blind status. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Chi Blast - Deals 1.6x Holy damage.
- Formless Strikes - Physical weapon attacks deal magic damage instead.
Red Magic
- Swordmage - Imbues your next 1…3 physical attacks with the effect(s) of your next spell.
- Doublecast - Casts two spells simultaneously.
- Convert - Switches current Stamina and Mana.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Quake I - Deals 1.2x Earth damage.
- Poison - Inflicts Poison status.
- Paralyze - Inflicts Paralyze status.
- Protect - Bestows Protect status.
- Blind - Inflicts Blind status.
- Water I - Deals 1.2x Water damage.
- Bio - Deals 1.2x magic damage. Inflicts Sap status.
- Slow - Inflicts Slow status.
- Aero I - Deals 1.2x Wind damage.
- Shell - Bestows Shell status.
- Silence - Inflicts Silence status.
- Oil - Inflicts Oil status.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Sleep - Inflicts Sleep status.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Dispel - Removes all positive status effects.
- Quake II - Deals 1.45x Earth damage.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Water II - Deals 1.45x Water damage.
- Refresh - Bestows Refresh status.
- Aero II - Deals 1.45x Wind damage.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Haste - Bestows Haste status.
- Fast Cast - Decreases spell activation and reactivation time by 0%.
- Spellblade - Combo the successful casting of a Spell targeting a single enemy with a basic attack.
- Replenish - Gain 1…20% magic damage taken as Mana.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 14%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 14%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 14%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 5%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 5%.
- Earth+ - Increases Earth Affinity by 5%.
- Wind+ - Increases Wind Affinity by 5%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect)Resistance by 5%.
- Potshot - Deals 1.4x physical damage.
- Cheap Shot - Deals 1.2x physical damage. 20% Physical Defense penetration.
- Enchanted Ammo - Deals 1.4x Mana damage.
- Quarter Pounder - Deals physical damage equal to 1/4 times the target's current Stamina.
- On The Level - Chroma: If this ability hits, deals damage equal to 16 times the user's Gunner level.
- Trigger Happy - Adds the Trigger Happy command, allowing the use of a Gun Attack that strikes an enemy over a duration of 1.8 seconds for 0.45x physical damage each hit.
- Zero In - Ranged attacks that target the same enemy deal +0.07x physical damage for each consecutive attack that preceded it.
- Full Auto - Increases the duration of Trigger Happy by 0%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 30%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 30%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 14%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 14%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 14%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 5%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 5%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 5%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Poison Resist+ - Increases Poison (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Sniper Shot - Results in a Critical Hit. 10% Physical Defense penetration.
- Equip: Scope - Gun Attacks from the backline deal +0.25x physical damage.
- Slug Shot - Deals 1.2x physical damage. Hits up to three adjacent targets.
- Intent Focus - Increases Mana regeneration by 1 pip every 3 seconds. Ends if the user uses an Ability.
- Hot Shot - Strikes 3 times. Each hit deals 0.45x Fire damage. Inflicts Disable status.
- Equip: Scattershot - Gun Attacks from the frontline hit up to two additional targets for half damage.
- Snipe: Arm - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Disable status.
- Snipe: Leg - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Paralyze status.
- Equip: Silencer - Gun Attacks from the midline accrue 33% less Threat.
- Rapid Shot - Decreases the Delay of Guns by 0%.
- Anti-Air - Gun attacks deal +0.25x…1.3x physical damage against aerial targets.
- Proficiency: Gun - Increases Physical Damage by 0%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 40%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 14%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 14%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 14%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 5%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 5%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 5%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Steal: Gil - Must target an enemy. Steals 5…15% Gil.
- Blinding Dust - Reduces Accuracy by 20% and Agility by 10%.
- Steal: Item - Must target an enemy. Steals a random item.
- Flee - 75% chance to escape from battle.
- Enrage - Hexed target ignores accrued Threat and attacks at random.
- Steal: Equip - Must target an enemy. Steals a random piece of equipment.
- Sneak Attack - Must be under Vanish status. Results in a Critical Hit. Deals +2…5x physical damage.
- Steal: Heart - Drains 15% Stamina.
- Steal: Soul - Drains 15% Mana.
- Cure Poison - Removes Poison, Sap, and Blind status.
- Exploit Opening - Inflicts Stun status. Opens a Link Attack.
- Addle - Interrupts the target's action and doubles the activation time of Abilities.
Angel doesn’t generally rely on the special abilities that he has, choosing to use the weapons on hand. However, he does have a powerful arsenal of other special abilities should he choose to use them. Sometimes as desperation moves, but he is not above a bit of showing off when he feels it is appropriate.
- Desperado: Angel jumps into the air and unleashes the fury with two pulse rifles. Normally using a rope or chain, he is also known to use higher ground to pull off a similar ability depending on the circumstances.
- Inverse: An enemy is covered in white energy which will explode moments later.
- Kyuuten no Kanshiki: Angel causes a gate to appear above the enemy targets. The gate is locked, however, moments after appearing; the lock itself breaks and sends a supernova of light towards all enemy targets. After that, Angel will grab an enemy target, tossing them at the gate, which causes it to shatter, the fragments exploding as they hit the ground. One of his most powerful attacks; and because of that Angel doesn’t use it often.
- Spire: Angel slams a blade into an enemy target and casts Thundara on the blade.
- Swords of Heaven: Both swords act as wings and lift Angel in the air where he slices through the air creating shockwaves capable of hitting single or multiple targets.
After his adventures in Soul Society, Angel was gifted with a Diviner by the name of Peacemaker. The Diviner takes the form of a claymore. Since receiving the blade, he has released both its Shikai and Bankai abilities.
- Shikai: Peacemaker glows bright green. It is activated by the command "mediate" (kaisuru).
- Shikai Special Ability: In its initial release, Peacemaker, upon striking an enemy, dispels any Enchantments. Whenever it removes an Enchantment in this way, it converts that Enchantment into magic damage that cuts into the target, burning away Mana.
- Bankai: Named Hagemu Peacemaker (Zealous Peacemaker). Its release command is "bring about justice" (motarasu koumeiseidai). Peacemaker becomes a solid black double weapon, a glowing-green axe on each end. In addition, it can split into three sections, connected by a lengthy chain. Angel gains a set of form-fitting black armor and matching cloak in this form.
- Bankai Special Ability: In its final release, when split into three sections, the command "judge" (hanji) causes the axes to glow with greater intensity and the chain to lengthen, allowing for inward cleaves with enough force to cut through even full plate with fair ease. It also allows for ranged sweeping strikes.
The Scourge of Dollet
Though sealed with the cursing of his soul, the plague that once terrorized Dollet for so many years is never to be dismissed as fallacy . While the Scourge is immediately rejected by both his Diviner and previously the Atma Weapon, he is a force to never be taken lightly. His speed is second to none in the Mortal Plane and his agility allows him to dodge around attacks that others may not. His strength is wicked, easily able to tear into unsuspecting opponents. His sadism is legendary; breaking even the strongest willed opponents into quivering wrecks under his constant torment.
All of this in one package creates a most fearsome opponent, should the soul ever be released.
Overdrives / Limit Breaks
Overdrives / Limit Breaks
- Dark Wings of Angels: Angel grows a single black wing, which ups his strength, speed, and intelligence. The wing also can act as a shield, batting away attacks that stray too close to him.