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Arias is a small town on the eastern side of the Esthar region, southeast of the Grandid Forest. The town itself is primarily a farming village, however, most of the residents are also skilled blacksmiths and craftsmen. Most of the town's income comes from limited trade with other nearby villages, towns, and cities, as well as the selling of crafted weapons in Esthar.


Arias' history is built on agriculture and magic, two founding tenets that have permeated the small village's society ever since it was founded in the 19th century. The first major record of the town's existence comes around the year 2041, when Sozen Kurabasa, husband of Nanako Kurabasa, became the elder of the town. He had high hopes for the humble farming community, hoping to improve the standard of living in the meager village by means of trade with Esthar and other neighboring communities and cities within the Trabian region. Over the years, things slowly but steadily improved, the town's coffers gradually seeing more wealth as the months went by. Sometime in the year 2047, Sozen and Nanako had a son, Saburo, who became known in the village for being the first Kurabasa child born with attunement to one of nature's elements, a bloodline talent that became known within the family as shizenkai no ikichi, the "blood of nature."

Saburo's bloodline was the Water element, and as he grew neither he nor his parents truly held an understanding of just what their son had been gifted with. Often, his powers would manifest when he didn't need them to, or of the wrong strength for the task he was attempting. He soon became frustrated with his gift, often claiming that the heavens had cursed him in his youth. Some in the village felt afraid of him, but most saw him as the confused, troubled youth that he was, though none of the other elders, magically-adept or not, had any idea of how to aid the boy. Years later, when Saburo turned 26, he finally found the help he sought in an unlikely place - a family that had recently settled in the village, Shunsui and Ritsuko Numata. The pair were Ritualists, an art they had developed over some twenty years of life and experiments with spiritual energy, and after being approached by Saburo himself, seeking understanding of the "curse" he'd borne for over two decades, they agreed to instruct him in the ways of magic in the hopes of giving him control over his latent abilities. Many long months passed as Saburo worked with the Numata family, learning the arcane arts from the two, and control came to him little by little over the course of his studies. As he grew into his powers and learned exactly what they entailed and what he was capable of, he came to view them not as a curse, but as a blessing from the gods. Another blessing followed soon after, though this time for Shunsui and Ritsuko - a daughter that they named Nanami. Saburo would soon find love of his own in a woman by the name of Shiori Hama, marrying her mere months after they met.

Seven years later, Sozen died of old age and was replaced by Shunsui as the village elder. Being fairly old himself, Shunsui questioned the decision of the town to name him as the elder, but they insisted that they had no one better than he at present. For the next twelve years, Shunsui served as the village elder until his wife passed away at the age of seventy-one. Barely a year later, Shunsui also died, a passing that was mourned by the entire village. By this time, Arias' prosperity had grown dramatically since Sozen's years as elder, and the small village had grown with it to over double the size it had been. Craftsmen from Esthar and elsewhere in the Trabian region began to settle down in the rural village, and Arias continued to grow.

The next few decades were a time of relative peace and normalcy, with life simply continuing on as normal for the countryside town.

Alchemic Trinity

The Alchemic Trinity is the name given to a set of three magical artifacts belonging to the Kurabasa family: the Jewel of Alteration, the Jewel of Creation, and the Jewel of Destruction. The Jewels were separated in 2146 when Tetsuya and Yuki Kurabasa were placed up for adoption, with the Jewel of Alteration given to Tetsuya, the Jewel of Creation given to Yuki, and the Jewel of Destruction given to their first cousin Andréa Beoulve.

  • Jewel of Alteration
The Jewel of Alteration is the first of the items that make up the Alchemic Trinity. The Jewel allows the holder to use the art of Alchemy to change the form of items, as well as rendering the user capable of producing a magical shield linked to their overall power to shield them from harm. The current holder of the Jewel of Alteration is Xeria, having stolen it from Tetsuya Kurabasa.
  • Jewel of Creation
The Jewel of Creation is the second of the items that make up the Alchemic Trinity. The Jewel allows the holder to use the art of Alchemy to create items, as well as rendering the user capable of producing a magical shield linked to their overall power to shield them from harm. The current holder of the Jewel of Creation is Xeria, having stolen it from Yuki Kurabasa.
  • Jewel of Destruction
The Jewel of Destruction is the third and last of the items that make up the Alchemic Trinity. The Jewel allows the holder to use the art of Alchemy to deconstruct items, as well as rendering the user capable of producing a magical shield linked to their overall power to shield them from harm. The current holder of the Jewel of Destruction is Andréa Beoulve.


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