Clouded Horizons:Arragious Nicholai

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Arragious Malachior Nicholai
The Exile of the Gilead Order
CH8r Arragious Nicholai.jpg
Arragious preparing to use his Mesmer abilities.
Character Profile
Age: Unknown
Race: Erudite
Gender: Male
Profession: Mesmer
Theme: Here He Comes
Artist: Yuki Kajiura
Additional Information
Birth Realm: Eighth Realm
Story Appearances

Arragious Nicholai is the former head of the Gilead Order, a major character in the Clouded Horizons series.

Personnel Information


"I no longer have a place within the Ethereal Plane, regardless of what drives me. I no longer seek approval from Freya, nor any of you – I have no need to face judgment from beings that I no longer belong among."
―Arragious to Odin


"I want you to deliver a message…to Freya, and all those who wronged me all those years ago. I want you to tell them that the exile of the Gilead Order has returned, and that it's time for them to pay their dues."
―Arragious to Destine

Prior to the events of the Harrowing, Arragious was courageous, a tactician, and loyal to the Ethereal Plane, Freya Vanadis, as well as to the one that he cared about, Destine. Even after his exile, he still held an unwavering loyalty to them; having realized that the Creator had little choice in the matter to keep peace in her plane. However, his loyalty became covered in bitterness over the years, and that loyalty was twisted to Hyne's means.

Since then, his loyalty has been torn between so many, his once unshakable faith in that which he served replaced by self-loathing and confusion. Only after being approached by a woman with an unusual offer, has it seemed that his sullen eternity has brightened.

Combat Information

"Surrender? I cannot."
―Arragious during battle


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Clouded Horizons
1st Realm - 2nd Realm - 3rd Realm - 4th Realm - 5th Realm - 6th Realm - 7th Realm - 8th Realm - 9th Realm - 10th Realm
Canon Stories
Final Fantasy X: Destiny's Call - Final Fantasy X-2: Eternal Requiem - Final Fantasy VIII: Dimensional Legend - Final Fantasy IX: Runic Legacy - Clouded Horizons: Halcyon - A Question of Honor - Affinity - Breakfast at Powell's - Casualties - Duty - Family Rites - Foreshadow of Memory - Guardian - The Heiress - Judgment - Memoirs - Nature - Negotiations - Of Thieves and Emissaries - Origins - Ought - Sanctuary - Shades - Subtleties of Honor - Trial by Fire
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Alva Vincent - Destine, Pillar of Probability - Fayt, Pillar of Predestination - Hyne, Pillar of Finalé - Kisara - Mai Kuroki - Kitaras Nicholai - Arragious Nicholai - Odin - Will, Pillar of Foretelling - Xeios
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