Destine The Sorceress Sovereign
 Destine in Galbadia City
Character Profile
Compression of Time
Stephen Kennedy
Additional Information
Birth Realm:
Eighth Realm
 Pillar of Probabilty
Story Appearances
Destine is the Pillar of Probability, a major character in the Clouded Horizons series.
Personnel Information
- "Those in power make the rules, as it were…and I have the power."
- ―Destine to Liam Bayloh
- "Hello, and welcome to the scene of the crime. "
- ―Destine
Destine has a two-sided personality. In normal situations, she can be calm and cool-headed, easily able to communicate and associate with those she is speaking with. However, in battle, when dealing with a situation that is a possible threat, she becomes angry and manipulative; a true test of anyone's patience and calm.
Combat Information
- "Pay attention, Planeswalker. It’s not always just about the power. Sometimes, it’s the execution. "
- ―Destine to Benji Powell
Relying on nothing more or less than the magical energies that make up her very existence, Destine lives up to her unofficial title as the Sorceress Sovereign. Her subtle manipulations of magic allow her to do intense things at close or long range.
- Enhanced Strength: As a Pillar, and an Erudite, Destine is endowed with an incredible amount of strength.
- Exceptional Agility: Using her magic, Destine's agility is second to few, allowing her free movement and speed whenever neccesary.
- Exceptional Spiritual Energy: As an Erudite of the Ethereal Plane with an impressive amount of power, her Spiritual Energy overwhelms many weaker Ethereal beings.
- Master Magic User: Being the essence of magic, Destine is able to use magic in ways that no other can.
Combat Attributes
- Erudite (650)
- Illusionist (150)
- Secondary Classes
- Red Mage (130), Mesmer (130), Evoker (150), Monk (75)
- None.
Elemental Preferences
Character Attributes
Elemental Affinities
Status Effect Resistances
Racial Traits
- Defy Pain - Increases Stamina by 66% and Physical Defense by 25%.
- Stolen Speed - Hexed target's spells activate 25% slower. User's spells against hexed target activate 25% faster.
- Balthazar's Aura - Deals 0.45x Holy damage each second.
- Grenth's Favor - Deals 1.4x Dark damage. Chroma: For each status effect on target enemy, deals an additional 0.35x magic damage.
- Blessed Signet - -10% Mana cost of Holy Spells.
- Accursed Signet - +10% Magic Damage of Dark Spells.
- Magic Mastery - +15% duration of status effects.
- Sorrow of the Highborn - -10% Stamina, -5% Spirit.
- Fading of the Highborn - -5% All Effect Resistances.
Ability Information
Phantasm Magic
- Overwhelming Instinct - Imprint 1.2x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Berserk status.
- Traumatic Visions - Imprint 0.8x Mind. Deals 0.3x psychic damage each second. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Disable, Paralyze, and Immobilize status.
- Sum of all Fears - Imprint 0.65x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, Hexed target moves, attacks, and activates abilities 20% slower.
- Images of Remorse - Imprint 1.0x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Stop status.
- Phantom Chasm - Imprint 0.9x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Immobilize status.
- Grasping Shadows - Imprint 0.65x Mind. Inflicts Slow status. Chroma: If this ability hits, at the start of each of Hexed target's turns, deals 1.2x psychic damage.
- Distracting Whispers - Imprint 0.9x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, reduces Accuracy and Mind by 33%.
- Maze of Mirrors - Imprint 1.3x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, Hexed target treats the user's allies as though they had Vanish status.
- Taunting Phantoms - Imprint 0.5x Mind. Inflicts Berserk status. Chroma: If this ability hits, Hexed target physical attacks have a 50% chance to hit one of its allies. Chroma: If this ability fails to hit, inflicts Provoke status.
- Visions of Avarice - Imprint 1.1x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, Hexed targets skips their next 2 turns.
- Sheer Cold - Imprint 0.7x Mind. Deals 1.3x Ice damage. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Freeze status.
- Overheat - Imprint 0.7x Mind. Deals 1.3x Fire damage. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Heat status.
- Mirror Image - Imprint 0.8x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, deals 1.5x psychic damage and has "Chroma: For each ally, bestows Blink status."
- Repose - Imprint 1.3x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Sleep status.
- Prominence - Deals 1.7x Fire damage.
- Tempest - Deals 1.7x Lightning damage.
- Freezeblink - Deals 1.7x Ice damage.
- Deluge - Deals 1.7x Water damage.
- Soil Evidence - Deals 1.7x Earth damage.
- Wild Tornado - Deals 1.7x Wind damage.
- Blackout - Deals 1.7x Dark damage.
- Star Cross - Deals 1.7x Holy damage.
- Mental Clarity - Increases the effectiveness of and defense against Spells that deal psychic damage by 0%.
- Absorb Mana - Whenever dealt damage by 0%.
- Conserve Energy - Reduces the cost of Spells by 0%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 21%.
- Fire+ - Increases Fire Affinity by 10%.
- Ice+ - Increases Ice Affinity by 10%.
- Lightning+ - Increases Lightning Affinity by 10%.
- Water+ - Increases Water Affinity by 10%.
- Earth+ - Increases Earth Affinity by 10%.
Red Magic
- Swordmage - Imbues your next 1…3 physical attacks with the effect(s) of your next spell.
- Doublecast - Casts two spells simultaneously.
- Convert - Switches current Stamina and Mana.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Quake I - Deals 1.2x Earth damage.
- Poison - Inflicts Poison status.
- Paralyze - Inflicts Paralyze status.
- Protect - Bestows Protect status.
- Blind - Inflicts Blind status.
- Water I - Deals 1.2x Water damage.
- Sap - Inflicts Sap status.
- Slow - Inflicts Slow status.
- Aero I - Deals 1.2x Wind damage.
- Shell - Bestows Shell status.
- Silence - Inflicts Silence status.
- Oil - Inflicts Oil status.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Sleep - Inflicts Sleep status.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Dispel - Removes all positive status effects.
- Quake II - Deals 1.45x Earth damage.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Water II - Deals 1.45x Water damage.
- Refresh - Bestows Refresh status.
- Aero II - Deals 1.45x Wind damage.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Haste - Bestows Haste status.
- Fast Cast - Decreases spell activation and reactivation time by 0%.
- Spellblade - Combo the successful casting of a Spell targeting a single enemy with a basic attack.
- Replenish - Gain 1…20% magic damage taken as Mana.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 21%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 21%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 21%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 10%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 10%.
- Earth+ - Increases Earth Affinity by 10%.
- Wind+ - Increases Wind Affinity by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect)Resistance by 10%.
- Overload - Imprint 0.75x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, deals 1.8x psychic damage.
- Phantom Pain - Imprint 0.8 Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, reduces Stamina regen by 5…10 pips.
- Imagined Burden - Imprint 1.2x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, Inflicts Slow status.
- Mantra of Psychosis - Gain +0.25…0.75x bonus to Imprint Mind checks.
- Accumulated Pain - Imprint 0.8x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits and if the target has at least two Hexes, deals 2.25x psychic damage.
- Sensory Deprivation - Imprint 1.75x Mind. Chroma: If this ability hits, inflicts Sleep, Poison, and Sap status.
- Arcane Larceny - Disables a random Spell. Arcane Larceny becomes that Spell.
- Power Leak - Interrupts an Ability. Chroma: If a Spell is interrupted, deals 1.8x Mana damage.
- Power Spike - Interrupts an Ability. Chroma: If a Skill is interrupted, deals 1.8x psychic damage.
- Enervate - Chroma: Whenever Hexed target activates an Ability, drains Mana equal to the cost of that ability.
- Illusionary Weaponry - Adds +0.1...0.5x magic damage. This damage has 20% Magic Defense penetration.
- Price of Pride - Chroma: Whenever target uses an ability level 50 or greater, deals 1.75x magic damage and drains 10% Mana.
- Clairvoyance - When using an Ability with Imprint, displays the success rate.
- Domination - Whenever a Hex is successfully applied, it deals 0.2…0.8x Mana damage.
- Perception - Increases Mind by 0%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 21%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 21%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 21%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 10%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 10%.
- Magic Damage+ - Increases Magic Damage by 10%.
- Magic Defense+ - Increases Magic Defense by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- EnFire - Adds 0.75x Fire damage to physical attacks.
- EnBlizzard - Adds 0.75x Ice damage to physical attacks.
- EnThunder - Adds 0.75x Lightning damage to physical attacks.
- Enhancing Seal - Doubles the duration of the next Spell.
- EnWater - Adds 0.75x Water damage to physical attacks.
- EnAero - Adds 0.75x Wind damage to physical attacks.
- EnQuake - Adds 0.75x Earth damage to physical attacks.
- Greater Seal - The next Weapon Spell affects all allies or enemies.
- EnHoly - Adds 0.75x Holy damage to physical attacks.
- EnDark - Adds 0.75x Dark damage to physical attacks.
- Barfira - Increases Fire Affinity by 35%.
- Barblizzara - Increases Ice Affinity by 35%.
- Barthundara - Increases Lightning Affinity by 35%.
- Barwatera - Increases Water Affinity by 35%.
- Blaze Spikes - Bestows Blaze Spikes status.
- Baraera - Increases Wind Affinity by 35%.
- Barquakera - Increases Earth Affinity by 35%.
- Barholyra - Increases Holy Affinity by 35%.
- Blaze Spikes - Bestows Ice Spikes status.
- Bardarkra - Increases Dark Affinity by 35%.
- Shock Spikes - Bestows Shock Spikes status.
- Dread Spikes - Bestows Dread Spikes status.
- Divinity Spikes - Bestows Divinity Spikes status.
- Spell Fusion - Adds the Spell Fusion command, allowing 2…3 Enchantments to be combined together.
- Manastrike - Elemental attacks deal +0.15…0.6x Mana damage.
- Return Magic - Whenever dealt magic damage, grants a 15…66% chance to counter with the same ability.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 10%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
- Physical Damage+ - Increases Physical Damage by 10%.
- Magic Damage+ - Increases Magic Damage by 10%.
- Boost - Increases the damage of the next melee attack by 15%.
- Repeating Punch - Strikes 3 times. Each hit deals 0.4x physical damage.
- Far Fist - Deals 1.5x physical damage. Inflicts Curse status.
- Split Punch - Must hit two enemies. Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 1.3x physical damage.
- Counter Attack - Increases Parry Skill by 20%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Withering Strike - Inflicts Confuse and Expose status.
- Lifebane - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Inflicts Doom status.
- Blistering Strike - Deals 1.2x physical damage. Chroma: If a target is under the effects of a Stance, Shout, or Enchantment, instead deals 1.85x physical damage and inflicts Blind, Poison, and Silence status to that target.
- Revive - Revives with 15% Stamina and 5% Mana.
- Flurry of Blows - Strikes 4 times. Each strike deals 0.45x physical damage. Inflicts Slow status.
- Chakra - Removes Poison, Sap, and Blind status. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Chi Blast - Deals 1.6x Holy damage.
- Formless Strikes - Physical weapon attacks deal magic damage instead.
- Martial Arts - Reduces the delay of Hand-to-Hand attacks by 0%.
- Counter - After a successful Parry, make a basic melee attack against the attacker.
- Proficiency: Hand-to-Hand - Increases Physical Damage by 0%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Parry+ - Increases Parry chance by 10%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
Overdrives / Limit Breaks
Overdrives / Limit Breaks