Freya Syr Vanadis Creator of the Ethereal Plane
 Freya in her Ethereal Plane attire.
Character Profile
January 1, 0
Divine Magus
Tales & Trials (Tales of Symphonia)
Additional Information
Birth Realm:
Eighth Realm
Freya Vanadis is the Creator of the Ethereal Plane in the Clouded Horizons series.
Personnel Information
Freya is the Creator of the Ethereal Plane, the supreme being and goddess over all others in that plane of existence. As such, Freya holds power and command over any other being in the Eighth Realm, to the exclusion of the Author, the Overlord of the Nether Plane, and the Lord Sovereign of the Soul Plane. Rarely, however, does she use this power unless addressing one of her direct subordinates - the Pillars of Reality.
Freya has rarely had to enter combat, and only one occasion of her actually fighting is known. When Dmitri Yuriev entered the Ethereal Plane, using Lukälius diVanégo's body as a host, he confronted Freya directly in an attempt to gain control of the Ethereal Plane. As Liam Bayloh, Celes Chere, Katanas DeValle, and Benji Powell entered Freya's chamber, now having temporary possession of the powers of Fayt, Destine, Will, and Hyne respectively, Freya began to attempt to seal Yuriev away into another dimension with her Sahnofuin Sealing Technique. Unfortunately, the plan backfired, as Yuriev began to draw on the realm's powers through the seal, forcing Freya to cease her attempts and let the group of four deal with Yuriev.
Freya has a very reserved and benevolent persona, administering her justice as Creator with fairness and equality, no matter what. Freya prefers to leave the mortal plane to its own devices, but events as of late have required her to take a more active role in the current situation.
Combat Information
Freya, as the Creator of the Ethereal Plane, is an extremely powerful fighter when needed. Capable of casting any magic in existence, and also possessing a wide variety of other skills and abilities, she is a threat of the highest caliber.
- Master Naginata Specialist: Freya, as well as being a master mage, is also extremely proficient with polearm weapons, specifically naginatas and spears. She is capable of holding her own against even Odin, considered the foremost melee combatant in all of the Ethereal Plane.
- Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Freya's raw power aids her greatly in hand-to-hand combat, but she prefers to fight with magic first and her naginata second above all else.
- Exceptional Strength: As the Creator, Freya's power allows her a degree of immense physical strength despite her appearance.
- Exceptional Agility: Freya is an agile opponent, able to hold her own against even Captains of the now-defunct Order of Grim Angels, even when using Shunpo.
- Vast Spiritual Energy: As a planar leader, Freya's spiritual energy is nearly unparalleled, capable of crippling lesser entities by just releasing fractions of her reiatsu. She also possesses an equally impressive amount of control over her power, capable of completely suppressing her power to the point of imperceptibility even in the mortal plane.
- Master Magic User: Freya's skill with magic is the greatest of any in the Ethereal Plane, backed by her immense power as a planar leader. She is capable of suppressing the energy of and even sealing away Erudite-level entities such as Hyne without difficulty.
Combat Attributes
- Ancient (1100)
- Divine Magus (150)
- Secondary Classes
- Ritualist (150), Summoner (150), Evoker (150), Paladin (150), Samurai (150), Flik Reaper (150)
- Symbologist (50), Alchemist (50), Monk (50), Ninja (50), Red Mage (50), Warrior (50), White Mage (50)
Elemental Preferences
Character Attributes
Elemental Affinities
Status Effect Resistances
- Implement Proficiency: Polearm - Allows a Polearm weapon to be used as an Implement.
- Implement Expertise: Polearm - Polearm Implements now increase Mana by 15% and Mana regen by 2 pips.
- Proficiency: Naginata - Gain proficiency with the Naginata.
- Specialization: Naginata - Increases Physical Damage by 10% and decreases Delay by 5% while wielding a Naginata.
- Mastery: Naginata - Increases Physical Damage by 15%, Critical Hit chance by 7%, and Parry chance by 5% while wielding a Naginata.
- Ice+ - Increases Ice Affinity by 10%.
- Sleet - Whenever dealing Ice damage with an Ability that does not inflict Slow status, that Ability has a 10% chance to inflict Slow status.
- Chill - Whenever dealing Ice damage with a Spell, each target hit by that Spell takes a -7% Accuracy penalty to their next attack.
- Water+ - Increases Water Affinity by 10%.
- Drench - Whenever dealing Water damage with an Ability, each target hit by that Ability takes a -5% penalty to their Lightning Affinity against the next Lightning damage dealt to them.
- Sliprain - Whenever using a Water-elemental Spell on an ally with Haste status, for the duration of the Haste effect that ally gains an additional 10% Agility.
- Wind+ - Increases Wind Affinity by 10%.
- Recoil - Whenever dealt damage after using a Wind-elemental Ability, the attacker takes 0.35x Wind damage.
- Epidemic - Whenever a Wind-elemental Ability with one target would inflict Poison, Sap, or Blind status, a random adjacent target is also subject to that status effect.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Divine Aid - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell that restores Stamina, it also restores +2% Mana.
- Turn Undead - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell against an Undead target, treat the target's Holy Affinity as though it were 50% lower.
- Divine Sanction - After making a Holy-elemental attack against one target, the next time that target makes an attack, it takes 1.35x Holy Damage if an ally was the only target of that attack.
Racial Traits
- Glyph of Lesser Energy - Reduces the Mana cost of the next 2 spells by 33%.
- Aura of Restoration - Chroma: For each spell cast, restores Stamina by 350% of the base Mana cost.
- Elemental Attunement - Restores 50% of the Mana cost of Elemental spells.
- Judge's Intervention - Negates the next fatal damage. Chroma: If damage is negated in this way, redirects the damage back to its source.
- Ancestor's Rage - Chroma: When this hex ends, deals 2.25x Omni damage.
- Master of Creation - +10% All Elemental Affinities.
- Eternal Suffrage - -10% All Primary Attributes.
Ability Information
Ethereal Magic
- Rainbow Seal - The next Spell inflicts Slow and Silence status upon all targets.
- Binding - Deals 1.3x Holy damage. Inflicts Stop status.
- Heaven's Whisper - Deals 1.4x Holy damage. Inflicts Silence status.
- Celestial Arrow - Deals 1.35x Holy damage. Chroma: If the target is under Shell or Protect status, has 10% Magic Defense penetration.
- Holy Shield - Negates the next Dark elemental ability.
- Heaven's Wrath - Deals 1.6x Holy damage.
- Judgment's Light - Deals 1.45x Holy damage. Inflicts Dispel status.
- Blessing of Life - Restores 50% Stamina. Bestows Reraise status.
- Elysian Star - Deals 1.3x Holy damage. Inflicts Dispel status.
- Grand Cross - Deals 1.9x Holy damage.
- Tale of Fellis - Deals 1.2x Omni damage. Inflicts all status effects.
- Divine Favor - Increases the potency of Holy-elemental Spells by 0%.
- Majesty - Increases Holy Affinity by 0%.
- Resonance - Increases Mana regen by 0%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 10%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Disease Resist+ - Increases Disease (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Attack - A standard attack that deals 1x physical damage.
- Call to the Spirit Realm - Summons three Spirits at a level equal to 1/3 of the user's level, rounded down.
- Recuperation - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/4 of the user's level, rounded down, and bestows Regen status.
- Union - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/4 of the user's level, rounded down, and bestows Cover status.
- Channeled Strike - Deals 1.35x Lightning damage. Chroma: If a Spirit is present, deals an additional 0.8x Lightning damage.
- Spirit Boon Strike - Deals 1.6x Lightning damage. Restores 25% Stamina to all Spirits.
- Disenchantment - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/3 of the user's level, rounded down, whose attacks remove an Enchantment whenever they hit.
- Displacement - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/4 of the user's level, rounded down, and increasing the Dexterity of all allies by 75%. Chroma: If an ally would be damaged by an attack, the Spirit receives that damage instead.
- Flesh of My Flesh - Revives the target with 50% Stamina and Mana equal to 30% of the user's current Mana.
- Ghostmirror Light - Restores 50% Stamina.
- Life - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/5 of the user's level, rounded down, that restores 75% Stamina to all allies upon dying.
- Armor of Unfeeling - Increases Physical and Magical Defense by 20% while a Binding Ritual is being case.
- Shadowsong - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/3 of the user's level, rounded down, which inflicts Blind and Berserk status upon attack.
- Shelter - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/4 of the user's level, rounded down, and bestows Bubble status.
- Conflagration - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/2 of the user's level, rounded down, whose attacks are Fire-elemental and inflict Heat status.
- Pestilence - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/2 of the user's level, rounded down, whose attacks are Water-elemental and inflict Poison status.
- Winter - Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 1/2 of the user's level, rounded down, whose attacks are Ice-elemental and inflict Freeze status.
- Spirit Syphon - Must target a Spirit. Drains all Mana, restoring the user's Mana by 30% of the amount.
- Spirit Burn - Deals 1.3x Lightning damage. Chroma: Deals an additional 0.1x Lightning damage for each Spirit present.
- Gaze of Fury - Must target a Spirit. Destroys target Spirit. Summons one Spirit at a level equal to 3/4 of the user's level, rounded down, with Shell, Protect, Haste, Bravery, and Faith status.
- Spawning Power - Increases the Stamina and duration of Spirits by 0%.
- Spiritual Awareness - Increases Mana regen by 0%.
- Channeling - Increases Lightning Affinity by 0%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Lightning+ - Increases Lightning Affinity by 10%.
- Magic Defense+ - Increases Magic Defense by 10%.
- Disease Resist+ - Increases Disease (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
Spirit Magic
- Spirit Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Enchantment.
- Echo - The next 1…3 Spells gain Suspend for 15…6 seconds.
- Medium - Forces incorporeal beings to become physical entities.
- Binding - Reduces Agility by 90%. Chroma: If Hexed target receives damage, this Hex ends.
- Warding - Increases Magic Defense by 25% and Holy Affinity by 35%.
- Balance - Cannot self-target. Grants Manalink to physical attacks.
- Sending - Destroys target Undead or Spirit.
- Bane - Deals 1.45x Holy damage. Inflicts Disable status.
- Channel - Increases the potency of the next single-target Spell by 66%. Inflicts Weakness status upon the user.
- Rending - Drains 10% Stamina. Chroma: If the target was a Spirit, instead Drains all Stamina. Chroma: If target was Undead, instead deals 1.5x Holy damage
- Soulshift - Resets the reactivation time of a random spell for a random ally every 4 seconds. Cumulative Upkeep: Whenever a spell is reactivated, increases Upkeep by 1 pip of Mana.
- Soulfeast - Destroys all Undead and Spirits. Chroma: For each Undead or Spirit destroyed in this way, restores 25% Stamina to all Allies.
- Manabond - Increases the attributes of summoned Guardian Forces by 20…66% and upkeep by 0%.
- Fullpact - The shield created by 0%.
- Commune - Increases the duration of Spirits by 0%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 21%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 21%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 10%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 10%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 10%.
- Magic Damage+ - Increases Magic Damage by 10%.
- Magic Defense+ - Increases Magic Defense by 10%.
- EnFire - Adds 0.75x Fire damage to attacks.
- EnBlizzard - Adds 0.75x Ice damage to attacks.
- EnThunder - Adds 0.75x Lightning damage to attacks.
- Enhancing Seal - Doubles the duration of the next Spell.
- EnWater - Adds 0.75x Water damage to attacks.
- EnAero - Adds 0.75x Wind damage to attacks.
- EnQuake - Adds 0.75x Earth damage to attacks.
- Greater Seal - The next Weapon Spell affects all targets.
- EnHoly - Adds 0.75x Holy damage to attacks.
- EnDark - Adds 0.75x Dark damage to attacks.
- Barfira - Increases Fire Affinity by 35%.
- Barblizzara - Increases Ice Affinity by 35%.
- Barthundara - Increases Lightning Affinity by 35%.
- Barwatera - Increases Water Affinity by 35%.
- Blaze Spikes - Bestows Blaze Spikes status.
- Baraera - Increases Wind Affinity by 35%.
- Barquakera - Increases Earth Affinity by 35%.
- Barholyra - Increases Holy Affinity by 35%.
- Ice Spikes - Bestows Ice Spikes status.
- Bardarkra - Increases Dark Affinity by 35%.
- Shock Spikes - Bestows Shock Spikes status.
- Dread Spikes - Bestows Dread Spikes status.
- Divinity Spikes - Bestows Divinity Spikes status.
- Spell Fusion - Adds the Spell Fusion command, allowing 2…3 Enchantments to be combined together.
- Manastrike - Elemental attacks deal +0.15…0.6x Mana damage.
- Return Magic - Whenever dealt magic damage, grants a 15…66% chance to counter with the same ability.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 21%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 10%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
- Physical Damage+ - Increases Physical Damage by 10%.
- Magic Damage+ - Increases Magic Damage by 10%.
- Cover - Must target an ally. Bestows Cover status.
- Valiant Strike - Chroma: For each enemy, increases Accuracy by 7%.
- Smite - Deals 1.2x Holy Damage. Chroma: For the duration, deals 0.1x Holy damage each second.
- Defender's Zeal - Chroma: Whenever damage is taken, a random ally restores 8% Stamina.
- Armor of Divinity - Increases Physical Defense by 15%. Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Total Defense - Must target allies. Bestows Cover status. Chroma: For each ally granted Cover status, decreases the user's Agility by 10%
- Shield Bash - Deals 1.8x physical damage. Inflicts Stun status.
- Forebearance of Judgement - Decreases Holy Affinity by 33%.
- Divine Sword - Deals 3.0x Holy damage.
- Evangelize - The user becomes an Angel. Abilities gain "Chroma: If this ability hits, deals an additional 0.75x Holy damage and removes an Enchantment." Inflicts Haste Daze status.
- Divine Circle - Increases Holy Affinity by 35%.
- Saint Cross - Deals 1.5x Holy damage.
- Radiant Delirium - Deals 1.8x Holy damage. Inflicts Confuse status.
- Rampart - Bestows Shell and Protect status.
- Divine Retribution - Target is Marked. Chroma: Whenever Marked target takes damage, deals 0.8x Holy damage. Chroma: Whenever Marked target deals damage, deals 1.2x Holy damage.
- Sentinel - Replaces the Defend command, reducing received damage by 0%.
- Aura of Enmity - Whenever dealt physical damage, grants a 10…50% chance to deal 0.75…1.4x Holy damage to the attacker.
- Specialization: Shield - Increases Block chance by 1…15% and reduces received physical damage by 0%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 21%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 21%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 10%.
- Physical Defense+ - Increases Physical Defense by 10%.
- Magic Defense+ - Increases Magic Defense by 10%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Third Eye - Dodges the next skill targeting the user.
- Mirror of Equity - Deals physical damage equal to the difference between the user's current and maximum Stamina.
- Magicide - Deals Mana damage. Double Energy gain.
- Hasso - Increases Strength and Accuracy by 10%. Decreases Delay by 15%. Increases activation and reactivation time of Abilities by 20%.
- Fingersnap - Removes all positive effects.
- Sparkler - Deals 1.4x physical damage. Inflicts Blind status.
- Meditate - Chroma: For the duration, adds 2 points of Energy each second.
- Fireworks - Deals 1.4x physical damage. Inflicts Blind status.
- Nonpareil - Increases Strength and Accuracy by 25%.
- No Fear - Bestows Shell and Protect status.
- Clean Slate - Restores 25% Stamina. Removes all negative effects.
- Hayate - Increases Evasion by 25%. Bestows Haste status.
- Zantetsu - Deals 1.25x physical damage. 50% chance to inflict Death status.
- Shin-Zantetsu - Deals 1.25x physical damage. 33% chance to inflict Death status.
- Oversoul - Increases the amount of Energy generated by dealing damage by 0%.
- Zanshin - Whenever a melee attack fails to hit, grants a 5…75% chance to make a basic melee attack against the same target.
- Specialization: Katana - Increases Physical Damage by 1…15% and reduces Delay by 0%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 10%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Wicked Strike - Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 0.7x physical damage and inflicts Cripple status.
- Pious Assault - Deals 1.4x physical damage and removes a status effect. Chroma: If a status effect was removed, this skill inflicts Deep Wound status.
- Zealous Sweep - Deals 1.3x physical damage. Restores 10% Stamina to the user.
- Lotus Flower - Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 0.8x physical damage.
- Rending Sweep - Deals 1.5x physical damage and removes two positive status effects.
- Aura Slicer - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Chroma: If the target has Shell and/or Protect status, they are removed and this attack deals an additional 1.25x physical damage.
- Reaper's Touch - Strikes 4 times. Each hit deals 0.45x physical damage.
- Twin Moon Sweep - Removes a status effect from the user. Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 0.75x physical damage. Restores 15% Stamina to the user.
- Whirling Charge - Decreases weapon Delay by 25%.
- Attacker's Insight - Reduces the Mana cost of attack skills by 20%.
- Cleaving - Melee attacks strike an additional 1…2 adjacent targets.
- Sandstorm - Increases Earth and Wind Affinity by 0%.
- Specialization: Scythe - Increases Physical Damage by 1…15% and decreases Delay by 0%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 21%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 21%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 21%.
- Earth+ - Increases Earth Affinity by 10%.
- Wind+ - Increases Wind Affinity by 10%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Attack - A standard attack that deals 1x physical damage.
- Healing - Restores 35…70% Stamina.
- Fire Bolt - Deals 1…2.5x Fire damage.
- Ice Needles - Deals 1.25…2.5x Ice damage.
- Earth Glaive - Deals 0.85…2.55x Earth damage.
- Reflection - Increases Magic Defense by 50%.
- Protection - Increases Physical Defense by 50%.
- Lightning Blast - Deals 1.2…2.4x Lightning damage.
- Eruption - Deals Fire damage equal to 1.5x times the number of targets.
- Deep Freeze - Deals 1.2x Ice damage each second for the duration.
- Restoration - Revives the target with 10…33% Stamina and Mana.
- Thunder Flare - Deals 3.0x Lightning damage and 0.75x Lightning damage each second for the duration.
- Aurora - Restores 20…50% Stamina and removes 1…4 negative status effects.
- Stoning - Deals 6.0x Earth damage over the duration.
- Angel Feather - Increases all attributes by 25%.
- Alchemy Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Alchemy spell.
- Therapy - The next curative item affects its target as though they had Reverse status.
- Create: Potion - Creates and uses a Potion. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Create: Ether - Creates and uses an Ether. Restores 33% Mana.
- Create: Phoenix Down - Creates and uses a Phoenix Down. Revives the target with 25% Stamina.
- Create: Hi-Potion - Creates and uses a Hi-Potion. Restores 30% Stamina.
- Create: Dispel Tonic - Creates and uses a Dispel Tonic. Removes all positive status effects.
- Create: Remedy - Creates and uses a Remedy. Removes all negative status effects.
- Create: Mega-Potion - Creates and uses a Mega-Potion. Restores 50% stamina.
- Create: X-Potion - Creates and uses an X-Potion. Restores full Stamina.
- Create: Mega-Phoenix - Creates and uses a Mega-Phoenix. Revives with 50% Stamina.
- Create: Elixir - Creates and uses an Elixir. Restores full Stamina and Mana.
- Boost - Increases the damage of the next melee attack by 15%.
- Repeating Punch - Strikes 3 times. Each hit deals 0.4x physical damage.
- Far Fist - Deals 1.5x physical damage. Inflicts Curse status.
- Split Punch - Must hit two enemies. Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 1.3x physical damage.
- Counter Attack - Increases Parry Skill by 20%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Withering Strike - Inflicts Confuse and Expose status.
- Lifebane - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Inflicts Doom status.
- Blistering Strike - Deals 1.2x physical damage. Chroma: If a target is under the effects of a Stance, Shout, or Enchantment, instead deals 1.85x physical damage and inflicts Blind, Poison, and Silence status to that target.
- Revive - Revives with 15% Stamina and 5% Mana.
- Flurry of Blows - Strikes 4 times. Each strike deals 0.45x physical damage. Inflicts Slow status.
- Chakra - Removes Poison, Sap, and Blind status. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Chi Blast - Deals 1.6x Holy damage.
- Formless Strikes - Physical weapon attacks deal magic damage instead.
- Vanish - Bestows Vanish status. Chroma: If an action is made or damage is received, this stance ends.
- Ninja Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Symbol.
- Hyoton - Consumes 1 'Tsurara.' Deals 1.3x Ice damage and decreases Fire Affinity by 20%.
- Katon - Consumes 1 'Uchitake.' Deals 1.3x Fire damage and decreases Water Affinity by 20%.
- Suiton - Consumes 1 'Mizu-Deppo.' Deals 1.3x Water damage and decreases Lightning Affinity by 20%.
- Raiton - Consumes 1 'Hiraishin.' Deals 1.3x Lightning damage and decreases Earth Affinity by 20%.
- Doton - Consumes 1 'Makibishi.' Deals 1.3x Earth damage and decreases Wind Affinity by 20%.
- Futon - Consumes 1 'Kawahori-Ogi.' Deals 1.3x Wind damage and decreases Ice Affinity by 20%.
- Kurayami - Consumes 1 'Sairui-Ran.' Inflicts Blind and Silence status.
- Dokumori - Consumes 1 'Kodoku.' Inflicts Poison and Sap status.
- Hojo - Consumes 1 'Kaginawa.' Inflicts Slow and Disable status.
- Jubaku - Consumes 1 'Jusatsu.' Inflicts Paralyze and Cripple status.
- Utsusemi - Consumes 1 'Shihei.' Bestows Blink status.
- Tonko - Consumes 1 'Shinobi-Tabi.' Bestows Vanish status.
- Monomu - Consumes 1 'Sanjaku-Tenugui.' Bestows Aura status.
Red Magic
- Swordmage - Imbues your next 1…3 physical attacks with the effect(s) of your next spell.
- Doublecast - Casts two spells simultaneously.
- Convert - Switches current Stamina and Mana.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Quake I - Deals 1.2x Earth damage.
- Poison - Inflicts Poison status.
- Paralyze - Inflicts Paralyze status.
- Protect - Bestows Protect status.
- Blind - Inflicts Blind status.
- Water I - Deals 1.2x Water damage.
- Bio - Deals 1.2x magic damage. Inflicts Sap status.
- Slow - Inflicts Slow status.
- Aero I - Deals 1.2x Wind damage.
- Shell - Bestows Shell status.
- Silence - Inflicts Silence status.
- Oil - Inflicts Oil status.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Sleep - Inflicts Sleep status.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Dispel - Removes all positive status effects.
- Quake II - Deals 1.45x Earth damage.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Water II - Deals 1.45x Water damage.
- Refresh - Bestows Refresh status.
- Aero II - Deals 1.45x Wind damage.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Haste - Bestows Haste status.
- Scourge - Deals 1.65x magic damage. Inflicts Sap status.
Art of War
- Provoke - Inflicts Provoke status.
- Rend Power - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Fear status.
- Rend Armor - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Expose status.
- Flametongue - Deals 1.2x Fire damage.
- Ice Brand - Deals 1.2x Ice damage.
- Defender - Increases Physical Defense by 25%. Decreases Melee Damage by 25%.
- Rend Speed - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Cripple status.
- Rend Magic - Deals 1.35x physical damage. Inflicts Sap status.
- Thunder Blade - Deals 1.2x Lightning damage.
- Liquid Steel - Deals 1.2x Water damage.
- Warcry - Increases Melee Damage by 25%.
- Aggressor - Increases Melee Damage by 25%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Delay Buster - Increases target's weapon delay by 15%.
- Heavy Blow - Inflicts Deep Wound and Weakness status.
White Magic
- Divine Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Holy spell.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Banish I - Deals 1.2x Holy damage.
- Protectra - Bestows Protect status.
- Aquaveil - Prevents spells from being interrupted.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Banish II - Deals 1.45x Holy damage.
- Cura - Restores Stamina equal to 1.35x magic damage.
- Shellra - Bestows Shell status.
- Cure III - Restores Stamina equal to 1.7x magic damage.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Curaga - Restores Stamina equal to 1.6x magic damage.
- Arise - Revives with 100% Stamina.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Banish III - Deals 1.7x Holy damage.
- Regenra - Bestows Regen status.
- Holy - Deals 2.0x Holy damage.
- Reraise - Bestows Reraise status.
- Esunaga - Removes all negative status effects.
Personal Abilities
Freya, in addition to her skills listed above, employs several skills unique to her, most of which are supportive or disabling in nature.
Personal Abilities
- Stasis Field - Inflicts Stop status; this skill's effect is unaffected by any status or magic-preventing effects on the target.
- Guardian's Blessing - Restores all Stamina. Bestows Haste, Regen, and Reraise status.
- Divine Buster - Deals 3.75x Holy damage.