Chieko Akane Murakami Moonlight Princess
 Chieko in her Soul Plane attire.
Character Profile
February 17, 384
Moonlight Wandering (from "Last Order FFVII")
Takeharu Ishimoto
Additional Information
Birth Realm:
Eighth Realm
 Captain, 5th Division (ret) Order of Grim Angels
Chieko Murakami is a former Captain of the Order of Grim Angels' 5th Division, now deceased, in the Clouded Horizons series.
Personnel Information
Chieko Murakami was born in the Ethereal Plane just short of four hundred years after its creation by Erasmus. At a young age, she enjoyed learning about what limited magical knowledge she could, but her status as a Malakh in the Ethereal Plane combined with the racial hatred that soon began to permeate the plane made learning difficult for one so young and inexperienced. Around the year 625, that all changed. Kaji Hiyama, a fellow Malakh, petitioned Freya for a subdivision of the existing Gilead Order, a group which was dubbed the Order of Grim Angels by Hiyama. This Order was exclusive to Malakh, and Chieko vowed to one day join in the hopes of overcoming the strife between Malakh and Erudite as well as furthering her study of magic.
Two hundred years later, Chieko got her wish - in the year 817, she was officially inducted into the 5th Division of the Order of Grim Angels, a division specializing in the use of magic and other special spells - "kidou," or Binding Arts, and "hadou," or Demon Arts, both invented and used exclusively by Malakh. Chieko was delighted at her inception, and dedicated herself to becoming an effective member of the Ethereal Plane's peacekeeping force. Over the years, Chieko learned to call upon her own special Diviner, an Ice-type weapon known as Hyorinmaru, driving her to attain ever loftier goals. In the year 1319, Chieko would attain one of the loftiest goals in the Order of Grim Angels; following a proficiency examination attended by Arragious Nicholai, as well as the Captains of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Divisions, Chieko was promoted to the position of new Captain of the 5th Division. To Chieko, this was the greatest honor she could possibly have dreamed of receiving; little did she know that in a remarkably short time, it would all come crashing down around her.
In 1523, war broke out in the Ethereal Plane, drawing all into the fold - Malakh, Erudite, and Creator alike. Sides were chosen, Odin and Xeios stepped in to protect Freya in both body and position, and the once-peaceful plane was turned into a nightmare for all involved. The Order of Grim Angels stayed allied with the Gilead Order, protecting Freya, and they were quickly drawn into ever-escalating combat with an organized resistance faction opposing not only Freya's rule, but the existence of the Gilead Order. Seventy-three years after the start of the war, Chieko would lead her squad into combat against a group of Malakh-Daiesthai hybrids, created as the failed result of an experimental spell discovered by the resistance, and would be killed in battle along with over half of her squad. Her Diviner, as well as her rank as Captain, was passed on to the highest-ranking squad member remaining, Kari Inihara, and she passed on to Soul Plane where she currently resides.
Chieko is a kind, yet firm soul, willing to help out others but unwilling to simply coddle them. During her tenure as Captain, her squad members would say that she could switch moods at the drop of a hat, capable of scaring people with merely a quiet and stern expression. Her personality makes her an excellent strategist, though surpassed by the succeeding 5th Division Lieutenant Chojiro Miyagi.
Chieko has not appeared within the main Clouded Horizons storyline at the present time; however, she will play a large role in the story Clouded Horizons: Origins.
Combat Information
Chieko has not been shown in combat within the series as of the present time; however, as a former Captain of the Order of Grim Angels, she possesses great power and intellect, specifically in the area of magic. She is also an extremely capable swordsman, as evidenced by her former position.
- Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Chieko is a masterful melee combatant, possessed of a great degree of skill and grace while using swords, especially her Diviner. As a Captain, she was among the most skilled in the entire Order of Grim Angels.
- Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Chieko, like all Captains, has at least basic training in hand-to-hand combat skills. This is not her primary style of fighting, but she can defend herself if required.
- Enhanced Strength: Chieko is capable of using her formidable reiatsu to increase her strength, giving her a level of strength above and beyond even normal Malakh.
- Exceptional Agility: Chieko possesses great skill with Shunpo, which gives her an exceptional degree of mobility in combat. She was one of the fastest Captains among those instated when the Order of Grim Angels existed, though surpassed by Etchel Beoulve.
- Immense Spiritual Energy: Chieko, like all Captains, possesses a great degree of spiritual power, enough to fight for greatly extended periods of time and generate incredible levels of reiatsu to debilitate enemies.
- Expert Magic User: As a former member of the Fifth Division, Chieko possesses a great degree of skill with magical attacks of all kinds, only further enhanced by her skill with her Diviner and its techniques.
Combat Attributes
- Quincy (200)
- Samurai (150)
- Secondary Classes:
- Ninja (50), Monk (50), Divine Magus (30), White Mage (50), Alchemist (50)
- None.
Elemental Preferences
Character Attributes
Elemental Affinities
Status Effect Resistances
- Proficiency: Katana - Gain proficiency with the Katana.
- Specialization: Katana - Increases Physical Damage by 10% and decreases Delay by 5% while wielding a Katana.
- Mastery: Katana - Increases Physical Damage by 15%, Critical Hit chance by 7%, and Parry chance by 5% while wielding a Katana.
- Proficiency: Naginata - Gain proficiency with the Naginata.
- Specialization: Naginata - Increases Physical Damage by 10% and decreases Delay by 5% while wielding a Naginata.
- Mastery: Naginata - Increases Physical Damage by 15%, Critical Hit chance by 7%, and Parry chance by 5% while wielding a Naginata.
- Implement Proficiency: Light Blade - Allows a Light Blade weapon to be used as an Implement.
- Implement Expertise: Light Blade - Light Blade Implements now increase Mana by 15% and Mana regen by 2 pips.
- Ice+ - Increases Ice Affinity by 10%.
- Sleet - Whenever dealing Ice damage with an Ability that does not inflict Slow status, that Ability has a 10% chance to inflict Slow status.
- Chill - Whenever dealing Ice damage with a Spell, each target hit by that Spell takes a -7% Accuracy penalty to their next attack.
- Water+ - Increases Water Affinity by 10%.
- Drench - Whenever dealing Water damage with an Ability, each target hit by that Ability takes a -5% penalty to their Lightning Affinity against the next Lightning damage dealt to them.
- Sliprain - Whenever using a Water-elemental Spell on an ally with Haste status, for the duration of the Haste effect that ally gains an additional 10% Agility.
- Moistening Balm - Whenever using a Water-elemental Spell on an ally, that ability also restores 10% Stamina.
- Divine Aid - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell that restores Stamina, it also restores +2% Mana.
- Turn Undead - Whenever using a Holy-elemental Spell against an Undead target, treat the target's Holy Affinity as though it were 50% lower.
- Divine Sanction - After making a Holy-elemental attack against one target, the next time that target makes an attack, it takes 1.35x Holy Damage if an ally was the only target of that attack.
Racial Traits
- Watchful Spirit - Increases Stamina regen by 2…8 pips. Chroma: When this enchantment ends, restores 15% Stamina.
- Retribution - Chroma: Whenever enchanted target receives physical damage, redirects 33% of that damage back to its source.
- Essence Bond - Chroma: Whenever enchanted target deals physical damage, restores the user's Stamina and Mana by 3%.
- Ectoplasm - +5% Physical Damage reduction, +5% Wound (effect) Resistance.
- Quincy Pride - +5% Mana, +5% Spirit.
- Afterlife - -10% Stamina restoration, -5% Fear (effect) Resistance.
Ability Information
- Third Eye - Dodges the next skill targeting the user.
- Mirror of Equity - Deals physical damage equal to the difference between the user's current and maximum Stamina.
- Magicide - Deals Mana damage. Double Energy gain.
- Hasso - Increases Strength and Accuracy by 10%. Decreases Delay by 15%. Increases activation and reactivation time of Abilities by 20%.
- Fingersnap - Removes all positive effects.
- Sparkler - Deals 1.4x physical damage. Inflicts Blind status.
- Meditate - Chroma: For the duration, adds 2 points of Energy each second.
- Fireworks - Deals 1.4x physical damage. Inflicts Blind status.
- Nonpareil - Increases Strength and Accuracy by 25%.
- No Fear - Bestows Shell and Protect status.
- Clean Slate - Restores 25% Stamina. Removes all negative effects.
- Hayate - Increases Evasion by 25%. Bestows Haste status.
- Zantetsu - Deals 1.25x physical damage. 50% chance to inflict Death status.
- Shin-Zantetsu - Deals 1.25x physical damage. 33% chance to inflict Death status.
- Oversoul - Increases the amount of Energy generated by dealing damage by 0%.
- Zanshin - Whenever a melee attack fails to hit, grants a 5…75% chance to make a basic melee attack against the same target.
- Specialization: Katana - Increases Physical Damage by 1…15% and reduces Delay by 0%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 40%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 21%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 21%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 21%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 10%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 10%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 10%.
- Vanish - Bestows Vanish status. Chroma: If an action is made or damage is received, this stance ends.
- Ninja Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Symbol.
- Hyoton - Consumes 1 'Tsurara.' Deals 1.3x Ice damage and decreases Fire Affinity by 20%.
- Katon - Consumes 1 'Uchitake.' Deals 1.3x Fire damage and decreases Water Affinity by 20%.
- Suiton - Consumes 1 'Mizu-Deppo.' Deals 1.3x Water damage and decreases Lightning Affinity by 20%.
- Raiton - Consumes 1 'Hiraishin.' Deals 1.3x Lightning damage and decreases Earth Affinity by 20%.
- Doton - Consumes 1 'Makibishi.' Deals 1.3x Earth damage and decreases Wind Affinity by 20%.
- Futon - Consumes 1 'Kawahori-Ogi.' Deals 1.3x Wind damage and decreases Ice Affinity by 20%.
- Kurayami - Consumes 1 'Sairui-Ran.' Inflicts Blind and Silence status.
- Dokumori - Consumes 1 'Kodoku.' Inflicts Poison and Sap status.
- Natural Evasion - Increases Evasion by 0%.
- Seven Chakras - Decreases the activation time of Symbols by 0%.
- Proficiency: Two-Weapon - Increases Physical Damage by 0%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 40%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 14%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 14%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 14%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 5%.
- Luck+ - Increases Luck by 5%.
- Parry+ - Increases Parry chance by 5%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Poison Resist+ - Increases Poison (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Boost - Increases the damage of the next melee attack by 15%.
- Repeating Punch - Strikes 3 times. Each hit deals 0.4x physical damage.
- Far Fist - Deals 1.5x physical damage. Inflicts Curse status.
- Split Punch - Must hit two enemies. Strikes 2 times. Each hit deals 1.3x physical damage.
- Counter Attack - Increases Parry Skill by 20%. Decreases Physical Defense by 25%.
- Withering Strike - Inflicts Confuse and Expose status.
- Lifebane - Deals 1.6x physical damage. Inflicts Doom status.
- Blistering Strike - Deals 1.2x physical damage. Chroma: If a target is under the effects of a Stance, Shout, or Enchantment, instead deals 1.85x physical damage and inflicts Blind, Poison, and Silence status to that target.
- Revive - Revives with 15% Stamina and 5% Mana.
- Flurry of Blows - Strikes 4 times. Each strike deals 0.45x physical damage. Inflicts Slow status.
- Chakra - Removes Poison, Sap, and Blind status. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Martial Arts - Reduces the delay of Hand-to-Hand attacks by 0%.
- Counter - After a successful Parry, make a basic melee attack against the attacker.
- Proficiency: Hand-to-Hand - Increases Physical Damage by 0%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 40%.
- Strength+ - Increases Strength by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 14%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 14%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 14%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 5%.
- Parry+ - Increases Parry chance by 5%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 5%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 5%.
Ethereal Magic
- Binding - Deals 1.3x Holy damage. Inflicts Stop status.
- Heaven's Whisper - Deals 1.4x Holy damage. Inflicts Silence status.
- Celestial Arrow - Deals 1.35x Holy damage. Chroma: If the target is under Shell or Protect status, has 10% Magic Defense penetration.
- Holy Shield - Negates the next Dark elemental ability.
- Heaven's Wrath - Deals 1.6x Holy damage.
- Divine Favor - Increases the potency of Holy-elemental Spells by 0%.
- Majesty - Increases Holy Affinity by 0%.
- Resonance - Increases Mana regen by 0%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 30%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 30%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 7%.
- Agility+ - Increases Agility by 7%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 7%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 5%.
- Block+ - Increases Block chance by 5%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 5%.
- Disease Resist+ - Increases Disease (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 5%.
White Magic
- Divine Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Holy spell.
- Cure I - Restores Stamina equal to 1.2x magic damage.
- Banish I - Deals 1.2x Holy damage.
- Protectra - Bestows Protect status.
- Aquaveil - Prevents spells from being interrupted.
- Cure II - Restores Stamina equal to 1.45x magic damage.
- Banish II - Deals 1.45x Holy damage.
- Cura - Restores Stamina equal to 1.35x magic damage.
- Shellra - Bestows Shell status.
- Cure III - Restores Stamina equal to 1.7x magic damage.
- Regen - Bestows Regen status.
- Raise - Revives with 25% Stamina.
- Curaga - Restores Stamina equal to 1.6x magic damage.
- Arise - Revives with 100% Stamina.
- Esuna - Removes all negative status effects.
- Banish III - Deals 1.7x Holy damage.
- Regenra - Bestows Regen status.
- Holy - Deals 2.0x Holy damage.
- Resistance - Increases Magic Defense by 0%.
- Soul Shield - Bestows Shell status while in Critical status.
- Centered - Bestows Refresh status.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 14%.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 14%.
- Evasion+ - Increases Evasion by 14%.
- Holy+ - Increases Holy Affinity by 5%.
- Fear Resist+ - Increases Fear (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Poison Resist+ - Increases Poison (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Wound Resist+ - Increases Wound (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Disease Resist+ - Increases Disease (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Alchemy Seal - Doubles the potency of the next Alchemy spell.
- Therapy - The next curative item affects its target as though they had Reverse status.
- Create: Potion - Creates and uses a Potion. Restores 15% Stamina.
- Create: Ether - Creates and uses an Ether. Restores 33% Mana.
- Create: Phoenix Down - Creates and uses a Phoenix Down. Revives the target with 25% Stamina.
- Create: Hi-Potion - Creates and uses a Hi-Potion. Restores 30% Stamina.
- Create: Dispel Tonic - Creates and uses a Dispel Tonic. Removes all positive status effects.
- Create: Remedy - Creates and uses a Remedy. Removes all negative status effects.
- Create: Mega-Potion - Creates and uses a Mega-Potion. Restores 50% stamina.
- Create: X-Potion - Creates and uses an X-Potion. Restores full Stamina.
- Analysis - Grants Libra status whenever an enemy has a positive status effect or Enchantment active.
- Deconstruction - Transmuted curative items used on non-undead, non-spirit enemies are 33% as potent and act as though those targets had Reverse status.
- Creation - Non-transmuted restorative items are 1…33% more effective.
- Mind+ - Increases Mind by 40%.
- Spirit+ - Increases Spirit by 40%.
- Mana+ - Increases Mana by 14%.
- Dexterity+ - Increases Dexterity by 14%.
- Accuracy+ - Increases Accuracy by 14%.
- Stamina+ - Increases Stamina by 5%.
- Vitality+ - Increases Vitality by 5%.
- Critical+ - Increases Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Poison Resist+ - Increases Poison (effect) Resistance by 5%.
- Disease Resist+ - Increases Disease (effect) Resistance by 5%.
Personal Abilities
Chieko has developed a variation of Shunpo unique to her, known as Kyoho (Void Step). It demands a high degree of magical ability alongside Shunpo skill in order to use, allowing her to instantaneously follow an opponent by traversing a line of reiatsu she creates to connect herself to her opponent. This connection requires a degree of energy and a small amount of focus to maintain, and can be severed if the opponent realizes it exists.
Chieko, as a former Grim Angel Captain, has a Diviner created during her time in the Order. Her Diviner is named Hyorinmaru (Ice Ring), and Chieko is capable of manifesting her Diviner in both a Shikai and Bankai form.
- Shikai: Hyōrinmaru gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to the hilt by a a chain. It is activated by the command "sit upon the frozen heavens" (sōten ni zase).
- Shikai Special Ability: When Hyorinmaru is swung, a dragon-shaped flow of ice is released from the blade which is capable of flying towards and freezing whatever it impacts. The chain and crescent blade is also capable of freezing whatever it wraps around.
- Tensou Jurin: One of Hyorinmaru's basic powers, it allows the user to control the weather in the area by controlling the water in the surrounding area and atmosphere. A stronger version of this skill may be used in Bankai.
- Bankai: Named Daiguren Hyōrinmaru (Great Crimson Lotus Ice Ring). Ice flows onto Chieko's back in the form of wings and a tail. Ice claws also appear on her feet and left hand and a dragon head encases her sword arm to the fingers. Finally, three "flowers" of ice are also created behind her with four petals each. These disappear as abilities are used, but may regenerate indefinitely if there is water in the surrounding area.
- Bankai Special Ability: Hyorinmaru's Bankai enables the use of several additional techniques.
- Ryusenka: When Hyorinmaru stabs the enemy, a large burst of ice erupts from the blade, entrapping and freezing them within. The ice, and the opponent, may then be shattered if Chieko is strong enough.
- Sennen Hyoro: Chieko creates several large ice pillars around the enemy; when she turns the blade 90 degrees counter-clockwise, the pillars contract, trapping and crushing the enemy within them.
- Guncho Tsurara: Chieko collects the water around her before swinging her blade, sending a shower of icicles at her enemy.
- Hyoten Hyakkaso: While using Tensou Jurin, Chieko causes a hole in the clouds above to open, through which a large amount of snow falls down towards the enemy. If any of the snow contacts the enemy, ice flowers begin to sprout all over the enemy's body, quickly trapping and freezing them.
Overdrives / Limit Breaks
Overdrives / Limit Breaks